So, I logged off and went to go see what had her barking with such enthusiasm. It turned out to be a kitten! So my heart broke into a little pieces and I couldn't just sit and watch. I grabbed my coat and went out into the cold outdoors. The kitten responded to me and started to chirp. It was trying it's best to come up to me, but I could tell it was scared. So, I did what any animal lover would do and I made sure it was inside. So, I got out the havaheart trap and tuna fish.
So of course I fell in love with the kitten. This kitten is super sweet. Right now he's being kept separate from our other pets. I'm really happy that we are fostering him! He's such a sweet kitten and I'm really happy that we saved him. He's very underweight, so I don't thin he would have lived long outside. I let the dogs see him and so far they are getting along very well. We named him Logan. We're keeping our fingers crosses that he doesn't have FIV or Feline Leukemia, since that would make it hard to find him a home if we don't end up keeping him. Our vet wants to wait until the kitten is 6 months old to be sure the test results won't give false results. Our vet thinks he's around 2 months old. So I guess now we have 4 pets and 1 foster kitten! Our other pets are Simon a big red kitty, Lorna and Stella both tri color King Charles Cavalier Spaniels, and Sophie a standard grey chinchilla.
He's so sweet and affectionate. Take a look at the pictures I took of him. He even got in the Christmas spirit.

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